Which are the causes of Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema?

See some of the causes of Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema according to people who have experience in Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema

Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema causes

Causes of Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema

Atopic dermatitis and eczema are common skin conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. These conditions are characterized by itchy, inflamed, and irritated skin. While the exact causes of atopic dermatitis and eczema are not fully understood, several factors are believed to contribute to their development. It is important to note that these conditions can vary from person to person, and a combination of factors may be responsible for their occurrence.


Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in the development of atopic dermatitis and eczema. People with a family history of these conditions are more likely to develop them themselves. Certain genes are believed to affect the skin's barrier function, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens. Additionally, variations in genes related to the immune system and inflammation can contribute to the development of these conditions.

Immune System Dysfunction

The immune system plays a crucial role in protecting the body from harmful substances. In individuals with atopic dermatitis and eczema, the immune system overreacts to certain triggers, leading to inflammation and skin irritation. This immune system dysfunction can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Allergens: Exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and certain foods can trigger an immune response in susceptible individuals, leading to skin inflammation.

  • Irritants: Contact with irritants like harsh soaps, detergents, chemicals, and certain fabrics can disrupt the skin's barrier function and trigger an immune response.

  • Microorganisms: Certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi can exacerbate atopic dermatitis and eczema symptoms by causing infections or triggering an immune response.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can also contribute to the development and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and eczema. These factors include:

  • Climate: Dry and cold climates can lead to dry skin, which is more prone to irritation and inflammation.

  • Airborne Substances: Exposure to pollutants, smoke, and other airborne substances can irritate the skin and trigger flare-ups.

  • Humidity: High humidity levels can cause sweating, which can worsen symptoms in some individuals.

Skin Barrier Dysfunction

The skin acts as a protective barrier, preventing irritants, allergens, and moisture from entering the body. In individuals with atopic dermatitis and eczema, the skin barrier is compromised, allowing irritants and allergens to penetrate more easily. This can lead to inflammation and trigger an immune response. Factors that contribute to skin barrier dysfunction include:

  • Genetic Factors: Certain genetic variations can affect the skin's barrier function, making it more susceptible to damage.

  • Dry Skin: Dry skin lacks the necessary moisture and natural oils to maintain a healthy barrier, making it more prone to irritation and inflammation.

  • Excessive Moisture: On the other hand, excessive moisture from sweating or prolonged exposure to water can disrupt the skin's barrier function.

Stress and Emotional Factors

Stress and emotional factors can worsen symptoms of atopic dermatitis and eczema. Stress can weaken the immune system and trigger inflammatory responses, leading to flare-ups. Additionally, emotional factors like anxiety and depression can contribute to the severity and frequency of symptoms.

Hormonal Factors

Hormonal changes can influence the development and severity of atopic dermatitis and eczema. Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly during puberty and pregnancy, can affect the skin's barrier function and immune response, making individuals more susceptible to flare-ups.


Atopic dermatitis and eczema are complex conditions influenced by a combination of genetic, immune system, environmental, and emotional factors. While the exact causes may vary from person to person, understanding these underlying factors can help individuals manage and prevent flare-ups. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

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