Remaining calm and keeping heart rate down
The right dosage of beta-blocking blood pressure medication.
The right dosage of beta-blocking blood pressure medication.
Deciding to live life to the fullest
Just to know what to avoid ie different drugs
ICD implant
My religion, it reminds me I'm not in ultimate control of my life, never have been and never will be. So accept the bad and work with it. No point in stressing over something you can't change
Time proving nothing has changed & I'm still asymptomatic
Facebook discussion groups
fit bit HR to help monitor
18 months since diagnosis
Had icd implant February 2016
Caffeen, I cut it out now I have very little issues
Counselling and learning coping mechanisms
Seeking the right help without delay.
After 2 years with Brugada type 1, no ICD, he stills here!
Potassium & magnesium. Electrolytes play a role in my rhythm symptoms.
I have an ICD.
Keep thinking positive
S-ICD implantation
Will my live a long life?
Joining groups on Facebook helped me find the experts I needed to get diagnosed
My brother dying has probably save my sister and me life’s
Mi novia me apoya
My husband being so supportive through my ICD surgery
Vitamin D levels should always be proper.
Vitamin D levels should always be proper.
Having a defibrillator implanted for reassurance
British heart foundation have a lot af support and have nurses on call 24 hours a day
Genetic testing
My two little cousins who are like my daughters
Seeing 3 different specialists who all said the same thing (recommended against the ICD as added potential issues but left it up to me) & one especially that said we have thousands of genes & mutations are bound to happen, everyone is a potential walking
ICD and subsequent Cardiac Ablation
My son was also diagnosed aged 12
Family and friends
My family and partner always support and help me.
Brugada can´t stop us from living.
Knowing I am here and will be around for my kids.
I have donated blood for research on BrS.
Continue doing the things you like to do
Faith in my saviour Jesus Christ
How do I have to worry about my kids
Traveling to a University Center to meet with a specialist (Dr Bradfield at UCLA medical center) was the best decision
Mi familia me apoya
My EP and PCP that actually listen to me.
Light exercise and plenty of water is key!
Light exercise and plenty of water is key!
Talking to others with the same disorder
Understanding and knowledge from colleagues at work make for a safer place to work