Good friends in former therapy group
My son had an unrelated bone marrow transplant for FA. He passed away in 2004.
changing to essential oils changed my life
having no stress
My wonderful husband who also has chronic pain, so he always "gets it".
begin of phisiotherapy at age 4 helped me a lot
My condition is only "mild"
Physical, water, and horseback riding therapies
staying active helped my muscles stay stretched
Meditation has calmed me down.
Ị keep moving.
My dog
my daughter has VW disease and a congenital platelet aggregation disorder
live your life to the fullest
support and understanding from family and friends
Strong fight attitude
9 years old I learned to use head pointer
I have no pain (as of May 2017)
Photography keeps me feeling in place
I attended Ole Miss
Running. Because I'm able to.
My Mother challenged me to use parts of my body that were less functional
my youngest son has type 1 dm, had sx for a chiari malformation, tethered cord, has mild CP, and mitochondrial disorder
lots of therapy got me to walk and drive a car
keeping active with hobbies or interests, dont become stagnant.
Don't want my son to suffer without treatment for as long as I have
My piano and music
age 16 a new type of adapted wheelchair
I am able to live independently
Stretching and walking
I enjoy watching sports
A cat. Because what would life be without one?
I try to keep my weight under control.