> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

Disabled by CFS gradually after respiratory virus.

My story is a fairly common ME/CFS case. What is a bit unusual though is that one of my children has a parallel case of ME/CFS to mine, and the rest of the family does not. We have not found an explanation so far although there are hints and clues.

I developed ME/CFS gradually after a severe respiratory illness in late 1996. Based on later testing, I may have had mycoplasma phneumoniae, and the entire family of 8 was exposed, seven of us had the mycoplasma based on an antibody study some years later. I was sick for about two weeks with the initial illness, and then over a few months recovered enough to resume my full-time job.

Over the following year I gradually developed unrelenting fatigue, anxiety and insomnia, and become intolerant of stress. I was able to work on and off, sometimes full time, sometimes only part time, for about the next 9 years. I had several good years and a few really bad years where I was mostly housebound and at times close to bedridden. 

My oldest daughter gradually developed ME/CFS during these years and had to drop out of college. My other children remained mostly unaffected. By 2005 I was unable to work in my profession anymore. I am now fully disabled and just try to keep things going day to day. Fortunately I still have good days and am able to sometimes have a few productive hours on good days, but other than that, ME/CFS has put my life on hold and also put a long-term strain on my family. 

As for our medical situation, my daughter and I both have orthostatic intolerance, mold sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, post-exertional malaise, adrenal exhaustion, and high glutamate levels, leaving us feeling tired all the time but also agitated often ('wired but tired'). A few treatments help, particularly staying well hydrated, supporting methylation and mitochondria function, and maintaining a strict gluten-free, sugar-free diet. We were both very healthy before ME/CFS but now have almost continual viral symptoms and have to be very careful with our energy envelopes.

Based on experience and study, I believe our ME/CFS is an immune system problem with a long-term high viral load, depleting our energy and leading to the symptoms. We are continually studying and regularly try new low-impact treatments. No medical help has really made much difference other than assisting with sleep. 

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