> CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome > Stories

The one day that changed my life!

I'm going to make this short. I was on a ladder came off and twisted my knee... it immediately started swelling, it tripled in size. But I thought I will just wrap it and keep going, I hate doctors, so I didn't go. 5 or 6 months later after many dr's many tests and lots of money spent, they figured out that I have crps. I don't know why it took so long for them to figure out bc my foot, toes and leg was purple/ bluish and it was cold to the touch... now 4 years later after many shots in my spine, 2 stim surgeries, and 1 surgery to take stim out bc it made things worse! 1 shot in my neck, bc crps has taken over my whole body, I almost died. The dr ended up getting the med in my spinal fluid and it shut my body down, they had to make me breathe again and off to the er I went. Since then I refuse Any kind of shots and here I am. Just trying to trust in God and live my life to the fullest I can.

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