Story about Cyclic vomiting syndrome .

15 year and no end in site

Nov 3, 2017

By: Paula

Year Condition Began: 2002

I first came across cyclic vomiting syndrome when I was pregnant with my first born I was told I had hipomissies and it would go by 14 weeks but continued to be sick thought out my 2 pregnancy and am still being sick now .
I have the Dr' s looking in to it now how the sickness starts I will wake up with hot sweets and bad back I will run a hot bath and get in in till I feel a little better and have a small drink of water but it come straight back up and then I get cold shivers with hot sweets and very sleepy I lie in bed drink some more water and throw it back up but need to keep drink so not to get dehydrated my family rub my back and get my water but all i can do is drink and be sick and doses off but it's not propper sleep then my legs start to hurt I can't stand up straight because I lieing down all day my sick can be defrount colours from green to black I can't plan for anything becuese as soon as I do I get sick am hope I get a diagnosis soon as I need to be able to show work was it is that keeps me off work
I hope this help someone like me to get some answer they looking for

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