trying to relax/counseling
Rowdy my Dog
Naps lots and lots of naps!
My husband's support
Using Ice packs on my head when it hurts soothes the pain to a bearable level
Having a wonderful husband who is always there for me
Support and opening up
My furbaby, Nellie. She keeps me company on my bed on my bad days
Positive Thinking
support groups on facebook
Um mes de Venlift 150mg
Keep all appointments with doctors and specialists
Being aware of my disorder and having support from friends/family that are knowledgeable and patient
Gabapentin... miracle drug for nerve pain in my legs
My consultant who listens
Friends that are always there for me
My daughters love
My meds
Creating/ generally being creative
Getting my insulin pump
The use of histerlin to stop my monthly hormone fluctuation.
Essen enzymreicher Nahrung, bei bestehender Metallintoxikation kombinieren mit Bindemitteln
At least 6 grams per day of sodium helps a lot, and since I hang onto water better, I can reduce my liquid intake to around 6 liters.
Estou na terceira maior crise e como nunca tive um tratamento adequado, estou buscando toda ajuda médica.
Watching more comedies on TV has increased my joy - laughter helps with pain control.
My dog
Pozitivní podpora blízkých z mé strany i přes můj pesimismus
I get online and reach out to friends. Friends in my Many suport groups have been a Huge help to getting me out of a rut, of depression and even on my bad pain days. They truly get what it's like.
Therapy EDMR treatment
Warm showers
My fibro friends
Got a less stressful job.
Making my own songs
The support groups within FaceBook
Magnesium Supplements
Low carb diet. It seems that sugar and carbs increase many of the physical and mental symptoms.
Taking the medication Adderall, prescribed to me.
My son who keeps me going
Don't be afraid to get out there and live. You can do more than you think.
My boyfriend
Cuddles from my dog and my partner
Being able to be open to others about my condition
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Forever living, both the business opportunity and the products