no olvidar tomar las pastillas
Enlite CGM since May 2015
A few high blood sugars are not detrimental. Try to correct it, but don't stress.
lots of patients
determination is one thing that keeps me going.
Educating people
Always take insulin everytime youre suppose too.
Family members that have been there too
The new medtronic 530g with enlite sensor is my best tool for controlling blood sugars and feeling better
I have always said I love my diabetes, no point in hating it as it's not going anywhere!
avoid stress
In this whole World One Who Survives With Anyone & Anything Is Mother, She is The One Fighting with my disease.
Excercise on every occasion !
Eating fresh foods that are full of nutrients and not eating foods that are just useless carbs. I do not limit carbs, only the food choices (no rice, pasta, breads, etc, that have no real value in my diet)
Going on pump therapy.
Insulin pump.
Grandma & Grandpa who take wonderful care of me.
Diet rootbeer.
Being able to blame my laziness on my blood sugars.
Family & friends with Type 1 diabetes
Found an endocrinologist who also has type 1 diabetes.
Keep a positive attitude, there is always someone out there worse off than you.
My brother who is type 1 also
Insulin pump
Setting pump reminders to check my blood sugar!
my friends
being there for my son
Cheerleading and other sports
Getting my insulin pump
My sister goes through the same battle as me - I'm not facing this alone
Educating others about type 1
Accepting Diabetes type 1 as a part of my life
I do what my doctors say I should do.
Hope for a cure
Diabetes camp to realize im not the only one.
My diabetes blog
my husband and I have my warning signs down pat
Meeting other T1 Diabetics
Checking often
Plenty of exercise, sunshine, sleep to help manage stress
My dad has type two diabetes, so he understands how i feel when my bloodsugar is high or low
Vegetarian food
Owning my condition
Support from my t1 brother
Teaching others about diabetes