Story about Diabetes , Depression, Gastroparesis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Victims of Thalidomide.

Diabetic Neuropathy & Gastroparesis

Aug 31, 2017

By: Maria

Year Condition Began: 2002

I have been a diabetic since 2002. It has always been uncontrolled and I've always had very high blood sugar readings. Around 2012, I started getting very bad leg and feet pain, but went undiagnosed until November 2013, when I got tested by a Neurologist and was told I had severe Diabetic Neuropathy. I've been suffering with this horrible pain since. This year, 2017, has just gotten so much worse. Now, with the help of the right medication & insulin, I've had my diabetes pretty much controlled. I was even able to finally bring my A1c down from a 13 to a 7.6. I'm happy for that, but now things have gotten worse for me. Since around February 2017, I've been having very bad stomach issues, which has just made my life so much more miserable than just having to live with the chronic pain of Neuropathy. Every day is a struggle. I have become very depressed and have basically secluded myself from the world and people around me. I have now been diagnosed with Diabetic Gastroparesis, which is the cause of my stomach issues. I'm always nauseous and constantly throwing up. I never know what to eat that's not gonna irritate my stomach even more. I have no appetite most of the time. It's so hard living with an invisible illness because, most of the time, people don't understand. I'm constantly having people get mad or upset with me for being this way, which just adds to my depression. I wish more than anything, that I can have the energy and strength to do normal, every day things, to have one day with no pain, to be able to eat a meal and actually keep it down. I wish I had energy PERIOD!!
I'm trying my best. I'm living one day at a time. It's scary not knowing what the next day will bring. I'm just living one day at a time and keeping my faith in GOD. I pray that one day there will be a cure for Diabetes, Neuropathy & Gastroparesis.
Thank you for letting me share my story. ♡

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