Knowing it has a name (what ade me look different from others )
My husband helps me stay strong
Going to Cincinnati Children's hospital
Fenugreek tea
heat... heat... more heat... heating pads, paraffin bath for hands and feet. also the disposable hot hands packets and gloves, even in doors.
Supportive family.
i love movies, from cartoon to gruesome horrors! as full distraction from pain.enjoy when in bed some can send me to sleep. but dome kerp me smiling on electric planket
Quit attempting to taking care of everyone else and focused on taking care of myself
Facebook support groups
My therapy dog Lucy
Having my fiancé and family there to support me no matter what and joining Facebook group for the condition
stop eating 3 hours before reclining helps
Eating bland foods
Extra layers in bed
Eating much smaller meals
I also have ADHD, AS, OCD, PTSD, SAD, & a history of suicide attempts (not since 2007), SIB & EDNOS (anorexia, purging, & diabulimia - not since 2008); T1 diabetes, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis/hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, & use a cane.
Great doctors
Lyrica. This was a godsend in not only lowering pain but helping me to get off some of the meds I was taking
My wife has been very supportive
Follow up with all Dr appointments
Using Ice packs on my head when it hurts soothes the pain to a bearable level
Estoy tomando medicamento para depresión y anciedad tomo terapia psicológica y inpertencion,diabetis,asma, Hipotiroidismo (Hashimoto) Y Fibromialgia Colon irritable,fatiga crónica trato de combatir mis condiciones con los alimentos!!
Try and relive stress by breathing exercises and listening to meditation music
My daughters love
At least 6 grams per day of sodium helps a lot, and since I hang onto water better, I can reduce my liquid intake to around 6 liters.
Podpora mého okolí
Watching more comedies on TV has increased my joy - laughter helps with pain control.
My fiance holding me.
Cuddles from my dog and my partner
Im in an abusuve verbally & emotionally abusive setting
Accepting my new normal doesn't feel like my old normal
A Nurse Practicioner who researches and understands my condition
Finding a hobby
I have diabetes, high blood pressure, bipolar, anxiety, depression and a host of other issurs
Maintain a low sodium diet
Having a few people around me who understand and support me without judging.
Accepting that I'm going to be on mood stabilisers for the rest of my life
Comer de duas em duas horas
Losing weight
Art: making jewelry, home accessories, computer graphics, drawing, painting (although the last two are limited by my disabling conditions).
My husband and children support
I am a fighter not a quitter