j tube
Educate yourself about your condition instead of totally trusting the doctors.
Nice Doctors
having people who finally believed me and shared in my experiences
Taking Florajen3 Probiotic daily
Full gastrectomy 2015
Close friends who understand
Stomach Stimulator
My parents and my family
Yoga as a stress reliever
I have hypothyroid, my diagnosis was post surgery
Median arcuate ligament release surgery got me off of TPN. Amazing!
My doctor who has never let me down.
Moving near family
Diet change
cutting down on medications
no activity/exercise for 5 months post op
Heating Pad.
Medical Marijuana
Standard Process supplements
Learning REFIT® to teach others
Don't lean on elbows
Reduction of stressors
Having my fiancé and family there to support me no matter what and joining Facebook group for the condition
My Daughter for being mummy's lil helper.
family support
my children
chicken broth
My family & friends are very supportive
moderation of everything and elimination of some
extremely bland diet
Support znd friendship with others who have fibromyalgia
Heading pad
Eating small meals
having someone to talk to
Eating much smaller meals
I also have ADHD, AS, OCD, PTSD, SAD, & a history of suicide attempts (not since 2007), SIB & EDNOS (anorexia, purging, & diabulimia - not since 2008); T1 diabetes, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis/hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, & use a cane.
Being around people
Getting my feeding tube put in so I don't starve and can get nutrients.
Careful diet
Find a doctor who knows about GP and will communicate with you