Born at 31 weeks
My son is a fighter and a Gastroschisis winner
My Son Kanean Was born with Gastroschisis
Gastroschisis muss mehr erforscht werden.
Family and friend support
Emotional support from my loving husband
being a gastroschisis mum opened my eyes
Medical Research
Adjusting my diet and removing gluten/ dairy to prevent inflammation
Survived 4 surgeries
Trust in the hospital
Spent 25days in the NICU and hasn't been back since
He is now 3 years Old
In Deutschland muss ein Gastroschisis Netzwerk geschaffen werden
Amazing doctors that are knowledgeable and informative
Amazing care from everyone at ACH
Eliminate veggies
God is the giver of life
Understanding my condition
Support and understand from those around me
Vibrant 3 year old
One day/feeding/minute at a time
He is my ALL time Favorite Super Hero!!!
Research on my own, know all you can good and bad.
Taking it day by day
Liquid diet
Taking one day at a time
Others Understanding
Self advocating for myself