Follow diet, take all medications.
Family support
My Dad died from Leukaemia when I was 12. My eldest son is 11 -determination has kept me fighting to be here for him and his two brothers
35 plasmapheris treatments killed the GPS antibody, and the initial treatment saved my life.
Lots of rest
My wife has supported me no matter what
Being so young
The nurses and doctors! -I have the highest amount of respect for my nurses and doctors. Most of whom had never dealt with anyone who'd had GPS before
Sleep! I sleep for hours, I'm so grateful my family is understanding and knows I feel better after I get some rest.
Family & friends support.
Counselling helped me to grieve the loss of my old life and try to build a new one
Plasma Exchange -I felt so much better following each cycle I had of it
I do dialysis three times a week, and I usually throw up or get headaches during treatment. When I eat lots of veggies, fruits, and white meat, I always have smoother treatments and don't get as sick.