The support of my family.
Struttura riabilitativa meravigliosa
never giving up
Zanaflex, the medicine is a miracle drug for me
Hard work with physiotherapy plus Whey Protein plus BCAA aminoacids help a lot to recover muscles that were lost.
Determination to recover
Doing things on your own makes you feel good you succeeded and did it by yourself
Determination to lead a normal life.
Two words: ART. THERAPY.
Gabapentine pain medication
never give up
Sense of humor
Taking lyrics tablets for my nerve pain
Dogs and their owners.
My family
Support from the hospital staff. Constant attention to details.
Exercise and not giving up
Don't quit or give up, do something small everyday to challange yourself, noboby but you can get you well!
Não sair do trabalho
Motrin or Tylenol
I wanted to be able to play with my son and I wanted to get back to play tennis again :)
winners mentality
Family and friends coming to visit while I was hospitalized
love from my girlfirend, family, friends. I owe it to them to recover
Going to PT and OT three times/week has been good at keeping my body from stiffening back up, tho it is exhausting.
The will to not give up
Eating therapy and still on focus for healthy
My little therapy dog, King Louie.
Not giving up on myself
Worrying less...
Good nutrition and proper rest, i tend to get tired easely and i found resting for even just couple min helps ne lots
Knowing what to expect years down the road health problems associated with GBS.
hope courage
Supportive family & friends
good health care
Low Level Laser Therapy
Gabapentin to control the nerve pain that continues still