My husbands support
plenty of rest learned to pace myself
20 doses de imunoglobulina durante 20 dias.
The family
Support of family and friends
35years out and still going strong
Become a Baha'i and trusting in God.
Naps and resting because sleep isn't easy
Resting in the darkness in a quiet environment.
Get diagnosed! Just because it's rare, doesn't mean you don't have GBS. Go to an E.D. and see a neurologist to rule in or out GBS.
Finally accepting my need for a wheelchair.
Trying to accept what I cannot change or influence
Hot Tub at home!!!!! morning, noon, night- or whenever! Best therapy to-date!
Water therapy was my saving grace
Plasmapheresis got me back on my feet after my initial paralysis
Immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG)
Spirituality - my belief in God helped me to deal with the situation
Sleeping when I need it. I sleep sometimes 10-11 hours depending on how much I exert myself in a day.
Workout in a Swimming Pool, fast tracked my recovery
Immediate passive therapy
My dog who tells me before I have a seizure.
Intense physical and occupational therapy!
Intensive physiotherapy
Started after vaccine
Great PT-OT Program
being able to walk again after not being able to move my legs
Pies <3
Just feeling so grateful to be alive.
Gabapentin helped me so much with pain
My family and my friends that always fight with me
Diet heals
Stay positive, this is a disease that you have to have great moral support from others to keep you motivated.
Water aerobics is my favorite exercise, and I do it at least 3 days a week - gives me energy and improves stamina.
Excellent 32-days care at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, OT/PT Chris & Brittany were super !
great help in recovery from Guillain Barre
allmost a year with gbs
allmost a year with gbs
Gabapentin for 1 year.
Finding a balance between activity and rest, both of which are vital
I will never stop fighting.
Guillian Barrie has changed my outlook on life
Plasmapheresis - Wish I would have been started on it earlier.