Understanding of others
Hygiène de vie (sieste, heur de coucher régulière, etc...)
My sisters and my husbands constant love and support!
Having the support of my family and partner
Researching and asking questions to find out everything I can about this condition so that I can use the knowledge to benefit me
Modiodal (modafinil)
My faith
Alot of sleep.
My dogs
Currently on Dexamfetamine, more affordable.
My mother
Support from friends and family
Neurologists growing a set and prescribe off licence - Sodium Oxybate
Strict sleep schedule
High protein diet with low carbs and fats.
Splitting with my ex partner who believed I was lazy and making the tiredness up. Once we split, a weight was lifted because I no lworries beer had to live up to their expectations and push myself to a point which was unhealthy for me and my
Connecting with others facing the same challenges through FaceBook Groups
Maybe flumazenil, a little bit
My family and partner, understanding best they can.
FB pages for Hypersomnia
trying to accept that I can't do all I want or expect that I should be able to is difficult
Taking it one day at a time
Losing 50lbs has improved my life in many ways!
Support from my friends and family
My Children
Making sure I get as much sleep as possible at night.....or during the day....
More sleep
Healthy life style
Dex has helped with IH but I do build up a tolerance after a while and drug holidays are hard to get theough
Exercising helps a lot, by giving me something to look forward to
Exercise helps me keep a positive mindset so I can deal with the extra challenges from having Idiopathic Hypersomnia
My drive to fight
Time with family.
Less stress
Others who understand
Started on 10mg per day of Dexamfetamine but found I needed a higher dose. Now on 20mg per day. I have days where they do nothing but most of the time they do help.
My dogs
Good mindset
Information on diet and what effect this can have on your physical and mental wellbeing helped me but would have been nice to have had this information on diagnosis or soon after