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My iih story

i was 6 months pregnant, December 6,2014.i had a swirl in my eye that wouldnt go away. I went to my optician and had my eyes checked. He sent me straight to UK eye clinic. I sat there for 5 hrs doing tests and all that and had to come the next weekday to finish. I was then told i have IIH/PTC. I was losing my vision rapidly and there was already damage that couldnt be reversed. But she wanted the eye surgeon to look at me. I was schedule in january 2015 for optic nerve sheath fenestration surgery on one eye. I got it done and they monitored my daughter in the womb. She was born in March while i still got worse. I had to have a csection because the pressure couldve made me go blind. April 2015 i had to get my other eye done. I get botox injections and take alot of meds to try to maintain but it doesnt help. Ive now tried all the meds possible. But my eye sight continues to worsen. And my pain is back up to 30 days. Sometimes just a few hours of relief. So i will now be having shunt surgery on august 21,2017. 1 week from turning 26. Im scared but i have to for my childrens sake.

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