> Intracranial Hypertension > Stories

A short story thus far

I've had migraines for years--really bad ones that didn't respond to treatment and meant trip to the ER. I've had tinnitus for years, too, but have tried to ignore it as much as possible (I tried to convince myself that everyone hears that sound). When my vision started tanking about six months ago, I figured I just needed new glasses, and went to the eye doctor for an exam and new lens prescription; I certainly wasn't expecting to hear about papilledema and swollen optic nerves and all the rest of it! My neurologist mostly blew it off when I told him about it; he thought is was really "a reach" for my eye doctor to be connecting the dots. He scheduled the brain scans and a lumbar puncture, and seemed genuinely surprise at my high opening pressure. I am a medical illustrator and do incredibly detailed work, but I had been having double vision, eye fatigue, and significant "floaters". I had started driving with one eye closed to try to control the double vision. The headaches and the tinnitus were annoying, but I had no reason to think everything was related. I've just started medication in the hopes that the symptoms will ease up with time. Fingers crossed!

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