A new daycare
My partner n family who support me in many ways n understand me. Always there when I need them .
Start from 3 half years old
Neurologist Salvatore Buono in Santobono Children's Hospital in Naples
Steroids helped, but only for short time in my daughter's case.
Prednisone, Lamictal, Depakote
Dayprogram which is simple
My children, they keep me going n help me smile every day.
My family and friends always support me
Sharing information with other LKS affected people all over the world
Sign language enables communication.
Acupuncture, Chiro
Having a great gp n great friends who all give me great caring support n help.
I want the world to know about Landau Kleffner Syndrome
Being open-minded, optimist and self-confident!
Intensive speech therapy is bringing small improvements in speech.
Gluten-free, low sugar and no dairy, diet