VNS: Gave Allie her life back
Corpus callosotomy
ABA -Applied Behavior Analysis (with a BCBA who understands my condition)
ABA -Applied Behavior Analysis (with a BCBA who understands my condition)
El amor de mi familia
Ocho meses con Cannabidiol
Educación sobre el Síndrome a través de una OSC
Being with my Mom, as my caregiver
Stopping the use of Diastat as a PRN (lowered seizure threshold)
Stopping the use of Diastat as a PRN (lowered seizure threshold)
La atención médica interdisciplinaria
Seguimiento de los padres y terapias en escuela especial
Unirme a una comunidad con el mismo síndrome
Behavior therapy
awesome Neuro doctor
Daily exercise, routine, consistent and trained careproviders
Daily exercise, routine, consistent and trained careproviders
Dos cirugías de Callosotomía.
Llevar un control estricto de medicamentos, crisis, citas médicas, etc.