Dietary Change
Having support from my partner and friends
Depuis mon augmentation de mon imurel à 3 comp par jour me sens mieux.
Compartir con familia y amistades
O amor, atenção e carinho que recebo das pessoas que amo.
El extracto de graviola
Staying positive!
Family time
Family support
My cat and parrot make me happier
My Family
Decreased stress
Thetahealing mudou minha vida
Losing weight and sugar reduces pain a lot.
Conocer más de la enfermedad
Saber cuando necesito ayuda de suplementos. Trató de estar muy pendiente de mis síntomas y dependiendo de cada uno trato de tomar algún remedio natural para prevenir que empeore.
Being kind to myself and not pushing myself too hard. Knowing my limits.
Staying active; walking, exercise
Changing my life style
Dogs & Cats. We do not have children so our furkids have brought family joy and love to our lives.
Getting lots of rest, and resting often during the day.
Communication with Drs. They will listen if you assert yourself
If you perform the right control you be long life
eat healthy as possible
Celebrex for joint inflammation
having a supportive family.
Be honest with doctor
To stay away from 3'S: Sun, Steps and Stress!
Having a supportive husband
Ability to self infuse meds through port.
Having a good caring doctor familiar with treating TN, and knows the limitations of their ability.
Not eating a ton of carbs seems to help keep the flare ups down.
a good GI doctor that listens to ALL concerns
My therapy dog Lucy
Husbands support
Support from family and friends
Hacer Yoga y pilates
Be kind to yourself
accepting and adjusting to a slower lifestyle and keeping boundaries to protect the need for that lifestyle.
Reducing Stress/good attitude
Apoyo familiar y amistades
my husbands support
Walking in nature
Pesquisas clínicas com novos medicamentos
My faith
Un excelente equipo médico