Lowering stress and Upping Meditation
FIR sauna for detox
The Wahls Protocol
Mild exercise, sorry wil
Gluten free diet
Need to detox lots
Eating a gluten/dairy/sugar free diet
Drinking 8 cups of h20 daily.
Lowering Stress
Essayez de bouger
Spouse understands so much more with our dogs also having Chonic Lyme disease
Support system at home was strong
Trusting my gut regarding medical treatments
Finally seeing a LLD and getting tested. Now treatment can progress
Getting off screens at 8 and going to sleep by 10
Cannabis Oil
Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Dairy-free diet
inne zestawy antybiotykow
diets przeciwgrzybiczna
tálálékkiegészítők. rife gép, ezüst colloid
cutting back on sugar intake
Combined antibiotics therapy for an extended length of time is a must.
Relaxation exercises for muscle tension
Herbs and supplements for organ and system support.... Relora, b12, iron, folic acid, b complex, high doses of vit. C, milk thistle, etc etc.
The brave doctors who are treating me even though they are attacked for doing so.
intermittent fasting
I've changed my diet - I cut-out soda 5 years ago, I avoid sugar as much as possible, and I try to cook healthier meals.
Dejar la leche en un 60%
Healing gut
dieta i ziola
Rifing - I use a PFG2Z by Pulsed Technologies
Disminuir mi jornada laborar
I love my Iranian Chiropractor who runs electricity through my body, searches for spasms and breaks them up with the end of a spoon.
I have a soft touch Chiropractor in Damariscotta Maine. He helps hugely with pain, supplement ideas, emotional support and energy.
Believing that God has a purpose for my suffering made it worth while and now I feel like I can help others because of it.
I am admin for Western Lyme Awareness on FB and I member Sacramento Lyme Support
The film Under Our Skin validated me and gave me hope to hang on until a cure is found.
Epsom baths, quiet time, help and support from friends and loved ones who BELIEVE I am actually very ill and an angel rheumatologist I wish I could treat with again
Knowing my limits and staying within my energy envelope
Loving family helps