Story about Lyme Disease .

Still trying to feel better after 18 months.

Feb 23, 2016

By: Beth

I got severe flu-like symptoms that put me in bed for two weeks.  I was training for a marathon and running on a trail that has more ticks than I would have thought.  I never saw the bite, although it was in the groin.  I did get the bulls-eye type rash on day 12. So I guess I was one of the "lucky" ones. Started Doxy for 3 weeks and felt better.  About 2 months later ended up in ER with cardiac symptoms and blood pressure through the roof.  (normally 90/70 ish).  PCP bounced me to Physical Therapy/ for my various aches and pains (didn't help a bit). I have had lidocaine injections in my back and shoulders to help with the muscle spasms.  I found a Lyme Literate doctor about  1 1/2 hours from my home.  He started me back on oral antibiotics that have included over the last 18 months: Doxycycline, Clarithromycin as well as Acyclovir (EBV) and Nystatin (candida).  Each time I switch regimens,  it get better for a bit, then worse.  Really working on a clean holistic diet and very seriously considering taking a leave from my work as a dental hygienist to allow my immune system and body to recover.  Very frustrating going from running marathons to spending every waking minute that I am not working in bed. My house is falling apart and it is so hard on my family.

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