My balance and nausea improved some after the Neurotologist told me to "stop looking down at your feet, just walk. Your feet will know what to do".
If I have a very bad period, large doses of Prednisone
No stress
medication Promethazine, Diazepam and Triamterene
Prayer and meditation coloring.
learning more about IPF
Eating much smaller meals
No sugar
Taking decongenstants when my ear gets that full feeling
Ambien 5mg to sleep over tinnitus.
low dose diuretic
Low sodium diet
Try to watch my salt and caffeine intake
Supplements from USANA
Finding a connection with others with similar conditions.
Listen to my body when it's tired,no stress
Low sugar diet.
Sleep, exercise including balance work like yoga, and walking.
Reduce Stress
Control stress
Having a loving and understanding spouse to help me when I need it.
Keeping hydrated as well as a low sodium diet.
Drink lots of water
No one in my family truly understands the struggle of living with MD 24/7. I quit trying to explain, just deal with it.
Low FODMAP diet and lifestyle
Good quality sleep
Water pill
Im in an abusuve verbally & emotionally abusive setting
My doctor knows that no pain control med works on every kind of pain
Medical Marajuana
2mg Valium
I cook with no salt at all
Low stress
A primary care physician who had an open and curious mind and wanted to fight by my side.
My husband and daughters have always been in my corner
Very lucky to have minimal attacks, bot those are doosies!!!
Being happy with in myself
Listening to my body and when I am tired - resting
Taking time to rest