muscle relaxers (flexeril).
Supportive SO & Family
Living my bucket list
Keeping an alkaline diet
Finding a new low impact hobby
Went gluten free
Exercise makes me feel emotionally and physically better
Don't feel guilty about saying no to others
Surround myself with supportive positive friends
Something relaxing like a good book and hot tea.
Daily vitamins...D, B complex and calcium...starting to reverse my osteopenia
Finding the right rheumatologist was key. I searched and found one that I stayed with for years.
Getting diagnosed and Validating my symptoms
I became a vegetarian
Take a daily CBD tincture
Support of family and friends
I bought extra warm gloves and shoes for raynauds
My hubby and pets
Pacing yourself
Taking meds on time
Strong support network.
AIP diet
Foot massage
Friends and family
Detox(water) and power foods(pineapple,spinach,mushrooms,turmeric)....
Pain medications
Live in the moment
Making myself walk every day
Joining a support group
Rest. Rest. Rest.
dealing with PTSD