My family that is there to catch me when I fall
Rest when I feel fatigued.
Finally knowing my diagnosis was a great stress lifted off of me.
Getting back to work again and being able to drive
My Children
Good support system. (Husband, family, friends)
keeping as healthy as possibly
keeping as healthy as possibly
Sleeping whenever I feel the need for it
Great support from family and friends
Going back in March for my follow up bold Mri and angiogram
Good support next to me
Physical therapy
Have to be very proactive in pushing medical professionals to do what needs to be done.
Plenty of rest
Family Support
Still suffering from awful headaches
Stay hydrated.......
I had bilateral STA-MCA surgeries to help fix this. There is no cure.
My children being old enough to understand helps.
I live
I don't have a 3rd thing.
A non stressful life
Finally getting the care I needed for so many years.