Wanting to Connect with MCSers in WI + Others Like Me!

Jul 18, 2018

By: Angie

Year Condition Began: 2001

WANTED: 42 year old female with MCS, mold allergy and EMS looking to rent a room or space from a fellow MCSer in Wisconsin. Preferably in the Waukesha County, WI area. Still able to work. Is a problem solver and actively coaches and mentors other people with MCS, chemical sensitivities, “bad allergies”, and chronic illness. Core values are respect, kindness and honesty.

I am the new Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) State of WI contact (as of May 2018), member of MCS Friends, and a member of the EI Safe Housing group, as well as being engaged in several other MCS groups.

I’m looking to connect with MCSers in WI or the Midwest - people like me, with MCS, in WI or surrounding area! And MCS problem-solvers everywhere!

In 2001 I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis that 12 doctors couldn't find the cause of... for 8 years. I became allergic to nearly all oral antibiotics and was (literally) told by three doctors in three different practices to "figure this out." And I did. I was officially diagnosed by a medical doctor in 2012 with "severe MCS".

After changing my lifestyle to be chemical-free - eating organic, buying organic cotton clothing made of natural dyes and finishes, remodeling a home with healthy materials and processes, getting plastics out of my home - and many other changes, I was able to become a healthier version of me. While MCS will always be part of who I am (gotta stay chemical-free in order to stay healthy), I've learned to embrace it and am surrounding myself with others that have MCS. We are a kick-ass group that innovates and "figures it out" every single day. I'm proud to be part of that group and love to educate, and learn from, others!

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