Story about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity .

Brief history

Mar 8, 2018

By: Myles

I don't know exactly how long I've had MCS but by my early thirties I was aware I couldn't be around certain airborne chemicals such as cleaning products, perfumes, spray-on deodorants, paint fumes, pesticides etc. I was in the printing industry for about a decade which I suspect contributed to my condition.

I have lived rural off and on for about ten years symptom free but the isolation made me move back to a (small) city. My condition became chronic when I lived for about two years in a large block of units and was exposed to perfumes, deodorants, cigarette smoke, shampoos, conditioners and soaps constantly as well as paint fumes intermittently. It became so bad I was forced to buy an old vehicle to live out of to be as close to the coast as possible. I recovered considerably in this time but have since found a place to live. it is less than ideal because I'm having the same issues with my immediate neighbour who uses a lot of sprays of various kinds which I am constantly fending off by sealing my room, using an air filter and sometimes a mask as well.

MCS completely dominates my life and finding work is next to impossible. Thankfully I have supportive friends and family which I would be lost without!

I am always keen to meet others who suffer from MCS. If you are nearby, do say hello :)

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