Story about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity .

Pesticides- Healing- relapse- Patience

Jun 10, 2018

By: Katy

With great innocence- I bombed my house for fleas with pesticides in a March weekend. I had two cats and a lot to do. My mother had fibromyalgia so I had always been emphatic that I would never get weak- I took meds for anxiety and exercised every day. Within a night my immune system was shot. I developed my main symptom- a feeling of terrible suburn and aches and swelling all over.
Gradually I learned where to move ( took 4 tries) and then healed even more. I got married , had a child- and moved to a house that a developer with MCS renovated for me. Then--- 15 years later I have relapsed. A leak in the house that was repaired let loose something......

Now I am trying to heal again- I know much more about what to avoid--but finding housing has been the unsolved mystery. Good luck to al of us. May we clear and thrive.

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