I have had 2 gamma knife procedures.
O apoio das pessoas que convivem comigo, que também quiseram entender a minha doença.
Atleta, Praticante de Muay Thai da academia Team Nogueira Santo André-SP, Parceria com a ABEM, Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Múltipla
Fazer voluntariado
Taking citalopram
Physiotherapy. We have one body, we need to take care.
My neurologist, Dr. Ann Bass, in San Antonio, Texas and her supportive team at Neurology Center of San Antonio
My niece whom I love very much - she gives me a purpose & life a meaning.
Hot soaking Baths
Baclofen 10x 3
people dont understand the difference between fatigue and tired
allways think others are worst off
allways think others are worst off
Giving up full time work
MS Therapy Centre
Mi familia apoya en todo momento
regular exercise
a minha mãe neste momento está doente
Lyrica - a nerve blocking non narcotic pain med
Getting good sleep
Me alimentar bem.
Minha esposa.. Minha neuropsicologia..
My wife that always has to win, is beginning to understand how I feel everyday.
Family and friends support system
Essen enzymreicher Nahrung, bei bestehender Metallintoxikation kombinieren mit Bindemitteln
Mám rád lidi.
Dilaudid for a bit
To avoid aggravating a migraine, stay away from bright sun with hats, sunglasses (even in the house, yup!) and close shutters. Put up a Migraine in Progress sign to remind others to reduce volume and stress.
a normally well-balanced diet, with occasional cupcakes
Apoyo familiar
Getting up in the morning and thanking the Lord I'm alive
Perseverança, disciplina, força de vontade.
Marijuana for the MS hug
my kids remind me daily to smile
Motobility scooter got me out of the house
Strengthening muscles to support joints
Family support
I have ms not Ms has me
Getting off certain meds
I joined an online support group Ladies with Lesions
working as volunteer with MS Society
Enjoy your live and be thankfull for the things you can do!
Diet including gluten-free, organic. Vitamins D, Magnesium, Calcium, Fish oil.