Story about Robinow syndrome .

My story? Do we have all day?

Mar 27, 2016

By: Adam

Not enough time in the world to explain my life to this point. Alot of everything. Not much I haven't experienced in terms of emotion and external conflict. I have 3 brothers and one sister, a non-existant mother, and a non-biological, but been there since day one kind of Dad. I aspire to one day write an autobiography mainly for my own egotrip, but also could be for readers, if anyone were to be interested. Alot of dissapointment, negativity, and despair but also countered with some incredibly life-fulfilling experiences. I don't really know the kind of person I'd be if not for all the tribulation. Would I not be as quality of a character? Who knows. Would I go back in time and change things? Yeah to be honest I would.

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