All meat and water diet
If your doctor does not have time to talk to you, find another doctor.
The support of friends and family
Resting as much as I can
My mommy for being by my side through it all. She is one of my heroes
God . Praying and more prayers
It's all about me now
Only doing as much as my body allow
Positive thinking!!!
Eating healthy and taking care of my body
Consistency - Take each day as it comes and maintain my belief and positive mental attitude
Know your limits and don't allow others to coerce you into exceeding them. It's OK to say no
Managing to work helps keep me positive
Support groups...
Sensible living
Medicine and oxygen help but I am trying to allow my body to do the work when it can
When you find it let me know
Albuterol and Ipratropium Bromide for breathing.
Surround yourself with understanding people.
The Drug Remicade
Plaquenil reduced dramatically my skin lesions
Pain med for the days that I really need it.
i have to watch my diet. ..i have become very much over weight because i also have fibromyalgia..and cant exercise. i also have Sarc damage to my heart , lungs and the pituitary gland. my sight is being affected too...
My Sarcoidosis Support Group
my sister and husband are my rock and got me through the worst and are my encouragers
Losing weight
Team of specialists
Connecting with some great Specialist: Pulmonologist, Rheumatologist and Neurologist. All of which assist my Primary on the best course of action. Recently found out that my B12 was extremely low.
Strong family support.
I'm thankful to have a mother who supports and takes care of and prays for me.
Resting when needed
I travel to dry & cool area's. Try avoid heat & humidity
I've been taking and antihistamine/decongestant each night and sleep without coughing.
Organic natural food
I'm grateful for the nurse that visits me at home, and all the help my son's provide at home
Rozwijanie umiejętności posiadanych i nabywanie nowych.
Listen to your body, if you need to stay in bed today, no guilt
Alkaline Diet
Meditation, Yoga and eating healthy.
My team of doctors
Reduce Stress as much as possible
Regular trips to my hottub
Sleep, Good Nutrician, Exercise
Eating healthier
good healty food
Losing 65 pounds and feeling great about myself, even on those days when I really don't want to get out of the bed.
Learn. Research. Educate yourself on every aspect of your disease. You have to be your own advocate. Speak up and know that you have a voice and a say in every choice that is offered.