Eating healthier, & takin imuran
Eating healthier, & takin imuran
Loosing weight helps immensely
My inhaler
A little excercise a few times a week
Relaxing environment.
Acceptance of my condition by myself
And my animals
good food
The understanding that the world will be wonderful or awful, the choice is mine alone to make.
Not using prednisones
Drink plenty of water a day
Keep going...push yourself
On Remicade
vivre normalement
Family support
Thankful for a great sarcoidosis specialist that helps keep this disease in check!
Trying to kerp everything as normal and balanced as possible in my life.
No medicine/prescriptions. Go natural. Healthy diet. No sugars. Turmeric, ginger, green smoothies, etc.
A good diet with reduced salt and sugar intake. And try to stay as active as possible. Like walking and spending time outdoors.
Dont know what will happen next
Family who cheers me on.
Great friends that understand my limitations.
Keeping informed.
My sleeping issues lowered after try Bromergon that lowers prolactine hormon level in my body (it was x4 than normal).
I miss the sun but I break out in an itchy rash so take an umbrella and wear sun screen!!
Eating better
Information can be a powerful thing; however, too much can cause more problems than it helps.
I feel like I have a constant cause of the flu
Learnig to give myself permission to rest.
My mom was there for me
The support from my family.
My strong will
Kicking sugar!
Leaning on friends
I feel tired and in pain all the time.
"Exercise" as often as possible; in the garden; biesyckling and walking in the forrest and Mountain. Use the nature to rest
Suivi et soutien
My family try to understand & support me.
hot towels
willingness to adapt
Always looking to educate myself and improve my quality of life
Facebook support groups and some of the information they (the people on the ground) can give