acceptance of diagnosis
Belief in GOD
Medical Marijuana made my pain much more bearable, helped with the inflammation, overall best thing to help me.
To get correct help from Health Care
i try propolis and cats claw and curcumin and seems after 2 months the lung nodules are smaller
My Faith
God and Faith!!!!
My faith and trust in God
Hot tub
Prednisone when seriously needed
My family
Healthier diet (organic, juicing, lots of green leafy veggies, and whole grains)
Going gluten free
Warm showers
Methotrexate for 1.5 years
Being able to relax more at home has helped me
Never take no for an answer. Don't give up.
Organic food
Stay active when I can
positive attitude
Dr. Dremer, my rumatolgist
Dr. Dremer, my rumatolgist
Listen to my body.
Doing my own research to empower myself
Eating healthy
Eliminating gluten and milk from diet.
My husband for always understanding me
God has helped me through heaps
Hemp seed
Prednisone and Modafinil
Daily time connecting with my spiritual belief system and quiet mindfulness of that time.
Supporting others with sarcoidosis
Prednisone cleared up my lungs, although I hate the side effects!
Fighting Sarcoidosis since 2012
la force et le courage
Good doctor
Trying to keep moving and eating healthy has helped me greatly
Being able to accept the reality of my kidney disease.
My believe in God that He will heal me.
Methotrexate/folic Acid