Story about Sarcoidosis .

Found by accident

Oct 8, 2019

By: Lynn

Year Condition Began: 2007

My physicians found my sarcoidosis by accident when they were scanning other organs and saw lesions on my spleen. They couldn’t biopsy a spleen so I elected to have it removed and tested in case it was cancer. Once the diagnosis of sarcoidosis came back, I had a battery of scans that showed enlarged lymph nodes on my lungs and some scarring. I’ve been asymptomatic since diagnosis and other than the loss of some lung function, have no issues other than not having a spleen now. The doctors quit monitoring me after 5 years with no change in my condition.

I have a giant extended family and I am the only one with sarcoidosis, and the only one raised in a different part of the country from everyone else.

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