Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy. How to live with Small Fiber Neuropathy?

Can you be happy living with Small Fiber Neuropathy? What do you have to do to be happy with Small Fiber Neuropathy? Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Small Fiber Neuropathy

Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy

Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy

Small Fiber Neuropathy (SFN) is a condition that affects the small nerve fibers in your body, leading to various symptoms such as pain, tingling, and numbness. While living with SFN can be challenging, there are several strategies and lifestyle changes that can help you manage the condition and improve your quality of life.

1. Seek Medical Guidance

If you suspect you have SFN or have been diagnosed with it, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who specializes in neuropathy. They can provide an accurate diagnosis, offer treatment options, and guide you through managing the condition effectively.

2. Understand Your Symptoms

Take the time to understand your specific symptoms and how they affect your daily life. Keep a journal to track the intensity, duration, and triggers of your symptoms. This information can be valuable when discussing your condition with healthcare professionals and can help you identify patterns or potential triggers.

3. Pain Management

Pain management is a key aspect of living with SFN. Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to help alleviate pain and discomfort. Additionally, non-pharmacological approaches such as physical therapy, acupuncture, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may also provide relief. Discuss these options with your healthcare provider to find the best approach for you.

4. Lifestyle Modifications

Adopting certain lifestyle modifications can significantly improve your overall well-being:

  • Exercise regularly: Engaging in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling can help improve blood circulation and reduce pain.

  • Manage stress: Stress can exacerbate SFN symptoms. Explore stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

  • Follow a healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can support nerve health and overall well-being.

  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: These habits can worsen nerve damage and increase symptoms.

  • Protect your feet: Wear comfortable shoes and inspect your feet regularly for any signs of injury or infection.

5. Supportive Therapies

Several supportive therapies can complement your SFN management:

  • Physical therapy: A physical therapist can guide you through exercises that improve strength, balance, and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

  • Occupational therapy: An occupational therapist can help you adapt your daily activities to minimize discomfort and maximize independence.

  • Psychological support: Living with SFN can be emotionally challenging. Consider seeking support from a therapist or joining support groups to connect with others facing similar experiences.

6. Assistive Devices

Depending on the severity of your SFN symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend assistive devices to enhance your mobility and safety. These can include orthopedic shoes, braces, canes, or walkers. Properly fitted assistive devices can help reduce pain and improve your ability to perform daily activities.

7. Educate Yourself and Others

Take the time to educate yourself about SFN and share your knowledge with your loved ones. Understanding the condition can help them provide the necessary support and empathy. Additionally, consider raising awareness about SFN in your community to promote understanding and support for others living with the condition.

8. Regular Check-ups

Stay proactive in managing your SFN by scheduling regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. They can monitor your condition, adjust treatment plans if necessary, and address any concerns or new symptoms that arise.

Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy requires patience, resilience, and a proactive approach to managing your symptoms. By seeking medical guidance, making lifestyle modifications, and utilizing supportive therapies, you can improve your quality of life and find ways to thrive despite the challenges posed by SFN.

3 answers
Accept that even though you may not know the cause of your SFN, it is real. Accept the use of any aids or inability devices that may be helpful such as braces, canes, wheelchairs, or specially designed cutlery even if used intermittently. Find the support of others who have SFN and do not stop looking for a cause if yours is not known. have hope in the ongoing research that is finding more causes and treatments. Stay informed and investigate clinical trials. And stay as active as you can. You aren't alone but you also don't have a common illness and will need to advocate for yourself.

Posted Jul 12, 2021 by Jo 3150
Find MDs who are KIND, ****UN-JADED**** (residents are often much better) and reachable via travel and/or insurance. Move otherwise to where they are but consider weather seriously.

TRIM your hobbies / collections / home if you own these to a more manageable level before they have to be given up and/or lost in moves, downturns in health.

Posted Feb 3, 2022 by Mark 2000

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Stories of Small Fiber Neuropathy

Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
If you would like to follow my blog, it is www.livingwellwithsmallfiberpolyneuropathy.com or just search: www.emilyadneyblog.com Ive written 487 posts. Maybe you will find my blog helpful. best wishes, E
Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
I'm 58 and was diagnosed in August of 2014 with Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy but no certainty on cause (most likely Idiopathic or cause by hip replacement surgery). By January my pain in my feet and hand was so bad I could no longer walk on them and m...
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Begin 2001 postherpetische neuralgie diagnose. Veel pijn in voeten. Niet meer kunnen lopen. Ziekenhuis in, ziekenhuis uit voor allerlei onderzoeken. Geen resultaat. Totdat dokter Teunissen (Sint Antonius Utrecht) mij in februari 2015 doorverwees naar...
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After a year and a half of severe adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones taken in January 2014 I developed SFN directly related to the FQ damage. It's mostly in my feet but hands tingle on occassion. I'm told it's axonal damage that time may improve (...
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Mijn hele leven loop ik echt letterlijk met pijn ,na veel onderzoek en veel verschillende ziekenhuizen eindelijk na ongeveer 45 jaar een diagnose , sinds ik met echt vreselijke pijn bij een neuroloog terecht kwam waar ik al eerder was geweest enkele ...

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Small Fiber Neuropathy forum
How many of you developed your neuropathy after taking Fluoroquinolone antibiotics? (Cipro, Avelox, Levaquin) There is a map here for Fluoroquinolone Toxicity now, too.
Small Fiber Neuropathy forum
Anyone have non-diabetic small fiber neuropathy? Have your doctors found a cause or is it idiopathic?
Small Fiber Neuropathy forum
What kind of treatment options are there for small fiber neuropathy? Are they helpful?

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