What is the history of Small Fiber Neuropathy?

When was Small Fiber Neuropathy discovered? What is the story of this discovery? Was it coincidence or not?

History of Small Fiber Neuropathy

Small Fiber Neuropathy (SFN) is a disorder that affects the small nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system. These fibers are responsible for transmitting sensory information, such as pain and temperature, from the skin and organs to the brain. SFN can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, numbness, tingling, and autonomic dysfunction.

The history of Small Fiber Neuropathy dates back to the early 19th century when physicians began to recognize and study peripheral neuropathies. However, it wasn't until the late 20th century that SFN was specifically identified as a distinct condition.

In the 1980s, researchers started to focus on the role of small nerve fibers in neuropathic pain. They discovered that damage to these fibers could lead to chronic pain conditions. This led to the development of techniques to assess small fiber function, such as skin biopsies and quantitative sensory testing.

By the 1990s, the term "Small Fiber Neuropathy" was coined to describe a specific type of neuropathy that primarily affects the small nerve fibers. It was recognized that SFN could occur as a primary condition or as a secondary complication of other underlying diseases, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or genetic mutations.

Over the years, research has focused on understanding the underlying causes and mechanisms of SFN. Studies have identified various risk factors, including metabolic disorders, infections, toxins, and autoimmune conditions. Genetic factors have also been implicated in some cases of SFN.

Advancements in diagnostic techniques have improved the ability to identify and diagnose SFN. Skin biopsies, which involve removing a small sample of skin and examining the nerve fibers under a microscope, have become a valuable tool in confirming the diagnosis of SFN. Additionally, nerve conduction studies and specialized tests, such as the Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART), can assess the function of small nerve fibers.

Treatment options for SFN focus on managing symptoms and addressing the underlying cause, if possible. Medications such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants may be prescribed to alleviate pain and improve quality of life. Lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding triggers and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can also help manage symptoms.

Research into Small Fiber Neuropathy is ongoing, with scientists striving to uncover more about its causes, progression, and potential treatments. The development of targeted therapies that can repair or regenerate damaged small nerve fibers is an area of active investigation.

In conclusion, Small Fiber Neuropathy is a condition that affects the small nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system. It has a complex history, with significant advancements in understanding and diagnosing the condition occurring in the late 20th century. Ongoing research aims to improve treatment options and develop therapies that can restore small nerve fiber function.

2 answers
Until recently, scientists thought that all nerve issues originated in the brain and spinal cord and affected large nerves... It wasn't until the late 1900s that anyone even thought to consider small fiber nerves as a source of pain and dysfunction. Once science embraced the understanding of a peripheral nervous system, it eventually became aware of the small fiber nerves and their role in pain and damage independent of the central nervous system.

Posted Jul 12, 2021 by Jo 3150

History of Small Fiber Neuropathy

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Stories of Small Fiber Neuropathy

Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
If you would like to follow my blog, it is www.livingwellwithsmallfiberpolyneuropathy.com or just search: www.emilyadneyblog.com Ive written 487 posts. Maybe you will find my blog helpful. best wishes, E
Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
I'm 58 and was diagnosed in August of 2014 with Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy but no certainty on cause (most likely Idiopathic or cause by hip replacement surgery). By January my pain in my feet and hand was so bad I could no longer walk on them and m...
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Begin 2001 postherpetische neuralgie diagnose. Veel pijn in voeten. Niet meer kunnen lopen. Ziekenhuis in, ziekenhuis uit voor allerlei onderzoeken. Geen resultaat. Totdat dokter Teunissen (Sint Antonius Utrecht) mij in februari 2015 doorverwees naar...
Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
After a year and a half of severe adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones taken in January 2014 I developed SFN directly related to the FQ damage. It's mostly in my feet but hands tingle on occassion. I'm told it's axonal damage that time may improve (...
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Mijn hele leven loop ik echt letterlijk met pijn ,na veel onderzoek en veel verschillende ziekenhuizen eindelijk na ongeveer 45 jaar een diagnose , sinds ik met echt vreselijke pijn bij een neuroloog terecht kwam waar ik al eerder was geweest enkele ...

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How many of you developed your neuropathy after taking Fluoroquinolone antibiotics? (Cipro, Avelox, Levaquin) There is a map here for Fluoroquinolone Toxicity now, too.
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