Story about Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease .

John Schermann ( Gimpy Gimpman )'s Legg Perthes Story

Feb 23, 2016

By: John

Hi, I'm John, When I was 10 years old, in 1975, I was diagnosed with Legg Perthes.


I had a tough time with Legg Perthes as I was a bit too old for any real regrowth and recovery. I have walked with a limp my whole life since Legg Perthes visited me all those years ago. I come from a small isolated mining community in northern Ontario, Canada. While I don't want to trash my home town, let me just say that the medical and emotional support was limited at best. 

I had my first surgery when I was 13, some sort of femoral osteotomy, after which I was in a bodycast for 8 weeks. Next I had a plate put in when I was 15, another 8 week body cast. 

I had my first hip replacement when I was 27, with a revision at age 38 and finally my 3rd and best revision in 2012 at age 47. Although I had some difficulties when I was younger, today life is great and I have never been happier :)

If people are interested in my story, please check my youTube channel where I talk about my life with Legg Perthes :

My channel and website are named 'Gimpy Gimpman', which is a nickname due to the fact that I am a bit Gimpy, walking with a limp and all, and my last name being Schermann, so Gimpman, 'Gimpy Gimpman' :)

Thank you for reading my story, I hope you will check out my channel. Life is great ! :)

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