Try not to stress so much.
Sometime ibuprofen helps.
I have been more open with friends and family, so that they may better understand my pain.
Avoid everything to have less attacks
Essential oils and mediation.
Tramadol when it is at its worse--helps to fall asleep
Listening to music
I'm looking forward to my future of helping others
oxcarbazepine until I developed critical low blood sodium & the oxcarbazepine also began to fall
Learning how to release and relax my muscles starting with the jaws and facial muscles.
Don't give up.
Hop that I can find the trigger that brings my TN on
Lyrica, but it has a lot of side effects
Helpful hints with foods to eat
Don't touch my face in the trigger zone!
Staying away from triggers
Trying to avoid stress which is a big trigger for me only true escape.
I'm still waiting for treatment. RT
Tell people what is going on. Not to be the victim of it or to get attention, but to help them be aware as to how you are doing and they can then help you. For example my colleague at work can now tell that I'm in pain even when I don't say as she can rec
Heat pads
Making an effort to rteach out. This condition will isolate you if you let it
Positive attitude
Traditional seizure meds failed.
Anti depressants
Avoiding stress
Breathing through my mouth when I'm in a flare avoids the painful breath
Facebook groups
Helping others
Had TN ablation last week and hoping it works
Cleaner food
Being in a peaceful part of the US helps
support from my loved ones
Got my teeth fixed
Having a doctor you trust and feel comfortable with
I take canna oils to help manage pain
Heating pad
Good doctors