Story about Trigeminal Neuralgia .

Tumble into Trigeminal

May 22, 2016

By: David

My TN journey started when I rolled my car in December of 2006 avoiding a dead deer on the road. After rolling twice, I crawled out of the passenger window that had broken, and jumped down. The car had come to rest on the passenger side. Felt fine for being in an accident. The next month the pain started on right side of face. Thought I had sinus troubles. After many tests, the ENT doctor sent me to a neurologist. He wasn't helpful, but did have me go to my dentist to test for TMJ. It took him 2 minutes to suggest I had trigeminal neuralgia. Neurologist gave me trileptal with hard to understand directions which were if you feel very drunk you took too much. My GP had never had anyone with the condition, but she worked with me and accepted my research. I found a new neurologist that took one look and sent me to a neurosurgeon. Gamma knife did not work, rizotomy with heat did not work and both procedures made it worse. Finally, a neurosurgeon who did cyber knife referred me to University of Pittsburgh. He felt cyber knife was dangerous with past work done. Went to the doctors who trained him in Pittsburgh, and they were ready to do a MVD immediately. Waited a couple of weeks for insrance approval then did it. Did not work and no follow up from neurosurgeon for future treatment. Went to a pain clinic where I still am. Tried accupuncture there, but my nerve is so damaged it didn't work. I'm on pain pills, bacoflen, and neuroton. Go to a good neurologist in Canton who is hesitant to suggest anymore procedures. So I suffer and cover my face outside. Help to publicize Race To Save Face, held every 2nd Friday in July in Dover. Information available on our face book page, Race To Save Face. Come and enjoy and help find a cure.

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