Which are the symptoms of Vernal Keratonconjunctivitis?

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Vernal Keratonconjunctivitis symptoms

Symptoms of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a chronic allergic eye condition that primarily affects children and young adults. It is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the clear tissue that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids. VKC is typically seasonal, with symptoms worsening during spring and summer months. The condition can cause significant discomfort and visual disturbances. Here are the common symptoms associated with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis:

1. Itching

One of the hallmark symptoms of VKC is intense itching of the eyes. The itching can be severe and persistent, leading to constant rubbing of the eyes. This can further aggravate the inflammation and worsen the symptoms.

2. Redness

The eyes appear red and bloodshot due to the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The redness may be more pronounced in the inner corners of the eyes and can extend to the entire white part of the eye.

3. Watery Discharge

Excessive tearing or watery discharge from the eyes is a common symptom of VKC. The discharge may be clear or slightly thick and sticky. It can cause the eyelids to stick together, especially upon waking up in the morning.

4. Swelling

The conjunctiva and the eyelids may become swollen and puffy. This swelling can give the eyes a droopy appearance and make it difficult to fully open the eyes.

5. Sensitivity to Light

Many individuals with VKC experience increased sensitivity to light, known as photophobia. Exposure to bright lights or sunlight can cause discomfort and worsen the symptoms.

6. Foreign Body Sensation

Patients often describe a feeling of having something foreign in their eyes. This sensation can be quite bothersome and may lead to further rubbing of the eyes.

7. Blurred Vision

Blurred vision or fluctuating vision can occur in VKC. The inflammation and discharge can temporarily affect the clarity of vision, making it difficult to focus properly.

8. Eye Pain

In some cases, VKC can cause mild to moderate eye pain or discomfort. The pain may be described as a burning or stinging sensation and can be exacerbated by rubbing the eyes.

If you or your child experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult an eye care professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. VKC can be managed with a combination of medications, such as antihistamines and anti-inflammatory eye drops, as well as lifestyle modifications to minimize exposure to allergens.

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