Magnesium, from Epsom salts
Facebook groups
Pursuing strong academic goals.
Enjoy life
Seeking counseling when necessary
A damn
Detoxing from all chemicals inc deoderants, cleaning products etc ie going natural!
Clean eating
A woman who told me "you have Vitiligo, Vitiligo doesn't have you"
charita papra
healthy eating
This makes me who I am!
My mom also has it so it makes me feel not "alone"
a veces llevo dieta de jugos
Accepting my condition
Camouflage makeups.
Having a response to questions - mine is" these white patches make me lucky- you just have one colour of skin I have two :)"
My Diet
I'm a nerd lol
getting more vitamin D
Medicamentos (Pimecrolimus y Hidrocortisona cremas)
Minha Fé
when the body tells us something physically, we must take very seriously and proceed to the necessary changes
No more than 3 hours of high activity a day else i am wiped out for weeks
Thyroid support and adrenal support
Reminding myself there are people with far worse situations
Mein Hund
Keeping close friends and eliminating toxic ones.
Using sunscreen regularly and wearing uv protective clothing.
About condition.
Cutting out all pain medication and anti-depressants and avoiding doctors going DIY with research and understanding of the association with Lyme/co-infections and managing symptoms following Holistic doctors on facebook
Steady strength building exercise
Accepting my skin condition and embracing it.
believe and
accepting myself
Even in school, everyone accepted this as part of me and was lucky to never be bullied
My friends aren't bothered by my spots and it makes me feel good