Learning not to push myself too hard when I don't feel well. Rest is best.
When I stopped trying to do things the typical way, I was able to play into the strengths of ADHD.
Interferential machine. This has helped immensely! It's the serious model of a TENS unit.
Taking it easy after surgeries.
Taking it easy after surgeries.
Always take my meds
Making better choices for myself
Branda king helped me when no one else could with all my bleeding
My family gives me the best support of all
Working closely with my healthcare professionals and taking my meds
My mom says if you born with any difficulty that's means God will send you to do a great work.
Stretch exercises and Magnesium soaks
Attending and participating in events where there are other people with VWD
Http://www.Facebook.com/humaninterestandsurvival take a look it is an copyright protected documentary.
Not having to jump through hoops like most other countries as we have the NHS, which provides excellent free care.
my youngest son has type 1 dm, had sx for a chiari malformation, tethered cord, has mild CP, and mitochondrial disorder
My Friends- I have few but the ones I do have, help me to feel safe.
Staying positive and active even on the bad days.
Getting plenty of rest and not over fatiguing or over stressing the body
Center for Bleeding Disorders
my husband
Trying to eat a healthy diet and look after myself.
Pain medication
Getting diagnosed saved my grades when I crashed from burnout in college.