Luke Robet Cinciala was diagnosed with Adams Oliver Syndrome March 2017. He was born November 2 2016 at 37 weeks gestation. He was born at 3lbs 14 inches. He was in the NICU for 19 days just to grow. He never needed oxygen or anything to help him thr...
My Daughter Zoey was born in November of 2015. When she was born it was noticed she had an unusual and large mark on the top of her head. It ran down the centre and looked almost as if it were a blister that had popped. Summerside is a very small com...
I did not know I had Adams Oliver until my daughter was diagnosed first then genetics diagnosed me. My daughter Catherine was born with cutis aplasia, lesion on her abdomen, missing distal digits of 2, 3, 4, 5 in her right hand. She was totally contr...
Yes, I am currently conducting a study to identify the genetic causes of Adams-Oliver syndrome. Our group and others have so far identified 6 genes that cause AOS, but we have a lot more work to do!
For more information on the latest dev...
1 people with Adams-Oliver syndrome have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Adams-Oliver syndrome is 1010 points (28 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey