Percocet, Morphine
Humira has helped me stay at work.
A helpful gp:)
Anti-inflamatórios via oral
my pain meds are the only way I can function as a normal person.
water therapy
water therapy
In pain since I was 25
eat healthy food balanced diet, do routine exercises, avoid sudden change in metabolism i.e. getting too tired, therefore avoid getting sick
Cymbalta and nsaids are ok, give some relief
Not working and doing things at much slower pace
Low starch, low sugar and low dairy diet makes the biggest difference to my stiffness and pain levels
Am now gluten free
Losing decent amount of weight improved self esteem.
Pilates, swimming, low impact excersise and muscle strengthening excersise
A positive mindset. Focus on what you can do rather than what you can't. Celebrate the good days :)
A lot of ejercite
car audio
warm water aerobic
Sitting in the hot tub helps a lot I never want to get out of it.
Pain medication. Without (appropriate) opiod meds my quality of life would be intolerable.
No Starch/Low Starch
I found out I also have Celiac disease and going off of gluten makes things more bearable.
My three children
Not working
The diagnosis which in turn is bringing treatment options.
Over 1 year taking Simponi.
Routine exercise
ter um diagnóstico
my family especially my kids
my family especially my kids
A very good bed
humira rules
Remecaid, metheltrexate and cymbalta
Knowing when I need to rest, and actually RESTING
Starting the biological Secukinumab!
Narcotics keep me functioning
Somos una fundación nueva sobre espondiloartritis (espondilitis)