Story about Ankylosing Spondylitis .

A Ankylosing Spondylitis story

Dec 2, 2

October 2007 Wife and I bought our new home. The season was getting cold ,so I started to get the house ready for winter season. I took out the first AC Window unit to put it away for the winter and then I proceeded to take out the 2nd window unit..Be advized the 2nd unit was very heavy. Just when I started to walk it over to the Garage in the middle of the back yard was a mole hole ..Right foot slipped in and made me slip..I should have let go of the huge AC unit but I jarred my lower back..L5 and L5s disc was Hernia/Buldged.. SO I went to the Hospital to get X-Ray and then MRI.. Hospital said that I had to go to Physical theropy for 5 weeks until my insurance ran out... Years go by and back was always tender,some days worse then others.. Try cralling out of bed and calling for help to go to the the years went by with new pains in my pelvic region my mid back,my kneck and sholders..Yes I would go to the ER or my Doctors..They couldn't tell me what the hell was wrong with me...July 2015 lower right of pevic region was hurting bad..Like someone kicked you in the balls..I went to the Doctors and they thought it was hernia and referred me to a hernia Doc..I didn't go because I knew it wasn't hernia..So The right side still was getting worse..So I'm thinking appendicitis ..So I checked into the ER...They took blood and done Ultra sound around the area where the pain was...The Doctor came back and announced "THEY HAVE GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS" They said for the good news your appendix is fine..Bad your Pelvic region has sevire inflamation and they thought it was a disease called .."SACROILLITIS" The ER referred me to there local Rhumotoligist.. 3 days later I went back to mt family Doctor to tell them what the ER Doctor said..My Family Doctor poked ,pushed,$ pulled areas and said "SON I THINK YOU HAVE (AS) Ankylosing Spondylitis..So the Family Doc took around 6 tubes of blood.. 1 1/2 weeks later Doctors office calls..They ask my to come back in to get more blood to re-test for this desease..So 6 more tubes of blood went out.. 4 days later Dactor calls me and ask if I was sitting down..He tells me the test results is positive for (AS).. I followed up with Rhumotoligist and got 12 x-Rays from back of kneck to my feet..My results was 6 bone spurs and lower right spine had infused with pelvis...Yepp I got a bad desiese living in me.. I told my twin brother about my problems ..My twin also tested for (AS) funny thing is that we have no family history on both sides of the family .... anyway God Bless you for reading


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