I truly wish I could say that we have had alot of support from family, friends or the public ( even her doctors ) but sadly this is just not true !
The Ann Conroy Trust charity
normal life
Anti inflammatory melds along with neuropathy meds
Turmeric 450mg daily fights the inflammation.
Finding a hobby that makes ME happy
That my Dr listens to me as far as me asking for additional testing.
my family fighting for me
Ice packs are gold!!!!
Never giving up , keep pushing foward
having a structured schedule with eating
Knowing my limits.....and respecting them
Pills pills and more pills
No strenuous workouts, no amusement park rides, no gymnastics
Alternative therapies: acupuncture, massage, and diet.
We Are Warriors..Sisters and Brothers To the end.
Take account that Chiari is a disorder for life
Having family/friends that understand and validate your illness
Setting up a local support group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/eds.shropshire/ & other Facebook groups
My log cabin deep in the woods where I can suffer, be well, eat well or like a pig and generally unwind alone.
Vimovo helps dull the pain
Take one day at a time!
The surgeons for saving my life
Don't over do it.
Don't over do it.
Savella helps my pain
Physical therapy
Better Stress Management
Friends,where would I be without the help and love of my friends ds thank you all so very much for being here with me I love you all
My friends that, I see are the things that keep me going.
Get something that you can squeeze (or throw) during painful or stressful moments. I go with a really squishy plush bunnie. That poor bunny gets the bejezus squeezed out of him.
Decompression Surgery
Air conditioner
I want to help others fight!
A lot of quiet and pacing
VP shunt placement
Eating a healthy diet, having an ideal healthy weight, and exercising daily.
I love my mum she helped me through everything she helped me survive hell
Homeopathic and Naturopathy
my youngest son has type 1 dm, had sx for a chiari malformation, tethered cord, has mild CP, and mitochondrial disorder
Working and do everything the most normal way as possible.
No hacer esfuerzos
Do things that make you happy. You have to phyc yourself out and not focus on the pain.
Keeping myself busy. Not focusing on what's wrong.
Laxatives, exercise, sleep
Durante los momentos que son pocos me siento bien lo aprovecho a hacer todo lo que puedo hacer en ese momento
Special pillow
God! If it wasn't for my faith and my relationship with God, I honestly don't think I'd feel as good as I do!!