Das internet hat mir geholfen damit ich weis was ich essen kann
always read packets
Es kann immer schlimmer sein.
My husband support
Lies immer die Zutatenliste.
Not eating processed food was great
Austausch mit anderen Patienten
Undiagnosed EDS
Gabapentin. Keeps bp and HR from bouncing so fast and to such extremes,
Uvedení alergenů v restauracích
Being able to eat out
I take care of my emotional health by working out and treating myself to manicures
Proper balance of meds
It gets easier over time
I am now an active campaigner
Getting out of a dead end marriage.
Gluten Free
GF diet has help with pain and inflammation.
Cold compress is the best to alleviate any rash due to Dermatitis hepetiformis
Informarme y formarme sobre la Enfermedd Celíaca y la Esofagitis Eosiofílica para saber realmente en qué consisten estas enfermedades y poder levar a cabo un perfecto tratamiento dietético
Cutting out dairy in my diet.
Continuing to live my life to the fullest such as traveling and dining out.
Rarely eat out!
Live a healthier lifestyle
Have a family doctor, with annual exam, and regular visits.
Always have a healthy snack in your bag when you're on the move
Believe it or not, just accepting my illnesses has really helped
Use common sence when detemining your exposure to risk
Avoid any situation when I might have to explain the problem
getting easier to eat gluten free than when first diagnosed
The changes that have occured in supermarkets and restaurants over the last seven years make so much difference.
More gluten free options in the stores
More understanding of the condition
Healthy mind
A dieta de fato: me trouxe de volta a vida
Avoid processed food
Seguir a dieta restritiva fielmente
Procurar mais sobre a intolerância,
Godly Friends and living for Christ!
Educating my family about Addison's disease and my other autoimmune disease
knowing my blood panel and fixing the vitamins accordingly has helped immensely.
apoyo familiar
Support of family and friends
Don't give up explaining to family and friends why you can't have the cookie, awareness people
I'm a writing major, a big foodie and a Netflix addict.
Patience! Lots of patience!
Taking care of myself through meditation and massage