Are you sure you are not depressed?

May 29, 2016



After continual trips to the Drs feeling ill over a three year period, the finally straw came in December 2009 when the Dr asked me was I sure I wasn't depressed. I gave up going! Finally in February 2010 I woke up with such severe stomach pains I had to phone the Drs for an emergency appointment. When I arrived in the surgery I think the Dr finally realised that I was not making it up and I wasn't depressed, she touched my stomach and I nearly shot off the bed, it turns out I had a bowel infection! She gave me antibiotics sent me for tests at the hospital a few weeks later. I was told I had diverticular disease and they also did a blood test which showed up the Coeliac marker meaning more tests just to be certain. Finally after a three year struggle I had an answer I had Coeliacs,I cried some and then cried some more not really knowing what it would mean for my life, I now feel so much better and life is so much better not being ill, not being in pain so much and not feeling totally washed out all the time.

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