Lyrica has been a big help.
Wearing AFOs for foot drop helps me walk with improved balance and less fear of falling.
stopped working, stopped over exertions. I don't wear watches rings or restrictive wear anything that upsets blood flow
Focus on what I can do and accept those things I cannot
I use computer every day
tenho dificuldades em fazer exercicios
Started spending more time with my momma
Sleep and rest
Bicicleta de spinning con pedal automático me ayudo a recuperar 1 cm de mi pantorrilla derecha
Taking my time, doing things extra carefully
Medications for nerve pain
Keep active
Stress greatly increases all of symptoms. Stress can be from work or home.
The love of my life, my wife.
The love of my life, my wife.
Got a new car.
Pain medication
Having people to talk to/type to.
Foot surgery and orthotics
Do not fight , accept
My carbon fibre splints
Taking my meds on a schedule
my family and friends
Having friends with CMT
Pace myself , take it moment by moment day by day .
Motivation. It makes me determined to prove that it doesn't define me. When people, or CMT, tell me I can't do something, I say 'watch me' instead of, 'yeah you're probably right...' For something people are right, I always will struggle to walk, but it m
Staying active
Yearly review with consultant Neurologist / Orthopaedic Consultant for advice on pain relief and assessment on disease progression and coping strategies etc
My 2 children
Communicating with others with CMT through the UK charity .
AFOs on both legs
My son who does not have CMT.
My children make the biggest difference in my life.
My children make the biggest difference in my life.
My very supportive spouse. <3
Leg Braces
Connecting with other people that have the same condition to support each other.
Eat honey
Started agility classes with my dog Viktor. Had to learn to run again!
loving family that understands the conditon
My meds
5 surgeries
Accepting that I'm different
My afos help a lot with walking